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Monday 25 October 2010

But Who Is Responsible?

So I read this paragraph in a New York Times Article and I once again wanted to talk about the issue.

Like suits against tobacco companies, such cases -- and the larger issue of the relationship between legal consumables and public health -- turn on the question of responsibility. Does it rest with those of us who eat, drink and inhale the products that clog our arteries and corrode our livers and lungs, or with the companies who sell and advertise them?

I am only going to reiterate that the people are the ones responsible for their health. Its their decision. Look, an example would be cigarettes. First of all, the company is just doing their business. They are not intentionally trying to kill people. In fact, they know its unhealthy and deadly, and they even put it on the covers of their cigarette boxes. Yet still, people are buying cigarettes. Clearly, its the responsibility of the people, not the company. When a teenager goes to smoke a cigarette, they know its unhealthy for them. Schools, parents, adults, and even the company tells them that "SMOKING KILLS". But yet again, the teenagers choose to be "rebels" and smoke! Yes, teenagers always act against what they are supposed to be doing, and its natural. But teenagers should at least be mature enough to know what they are doing. I'm sure teens know what they are doing, but at least they should face the consequences. They should blame themselves, not the corporations. Thats just wrong. 

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