Names of Group Members: I was in India for my cousins wedding, so I am working on this alone.
What policy or Act were you assigned? Emancipation Proclamation
What did it say? Basically emancipated all of those who were working under forced labor from the rebellious states. In other words, it freed all black slaves from the rebellious states.
When was it passed or proposed? It was passed in 1863.
What were the important events going on when it was passed or proposed? Well it was the Civil War. The North had an abolition movement that the South really disliked, so they seceded. President Lincoln finally admitted that the Civil War was being fought for the end of slavery.
Who favored it and why? The North would obviously favor it because they were the side that wanted to have the abolishment of slavery in the South. Also African Americans would be in favor of this because they would be free.
Who opposed it and why? The south with its farmers and plantation owners. They would want these slaves because the slaves would help them grow crops that would be sold in the market. All the profit they earn would be the theirs. Slaves wouldn't even get a penny.
List any special impact that it had on particular demographic groups:
Is the current title truthful, or does it mask the content of your policy or act?
Which target audiences are likely to see the title as accurate?
Which target audiences are likely to see the title as misleading?
Which group(s) of people would favor keeping the name as is and why?
I think the abolitionists and the slaves in the south because they would obviously want it to be an important document that freed them. In fact, I think everyone TODAY would like the name to be kept the way it is because the name is truthful.
Which group(s) of people would want to change the name and why? What more accurate phrase or title might they use instead? (Use the back, if needed).
Well, I really think that the slaves from the NON rebellious states would want the change in the name. You see, not all slave states joined the Confederacy in the Civil War. And the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free the slaves in the slave states that were part of the Union. So I think they would want the name to change, because it may confuse several slaves.